Statute of Limitations on Debt in Connecticut

Connecticut law is quite clear on how long a debt collector may pursue a debt against you. It takes 6 years for debts to die in Connecticut, or longer if you extend the statute of limitations.

Oral Contract 3 years
Written Contract 6 years
Promissory Note 6 years
Open Accounts 6 years

This essentially sets a timeline where you are liable for your debts. The timeline begins with the beginning of your delinquency. This is referred to as the date of first delinquency, and it is the date where the clock begins to tick.

Your creditor has 6 years beyond the date of first delinquency in which they could still take you to court to force repayment. While creditors may pursue a judgment against you after 6 years, it is rare since all you would have to do is show up and state that the statute of limitations on the debt has expired. Still, some unscrupulous debt collectors will attempt it anyways knowing that a high percentage of debtors never go to court to mount a defense.

Connecticut courts recognize that residents are expected to repay their old debts so long as it is within 6 years since they fell delinquent on the debt. Debt collectors may take you to court within this period to force repayment. If they obtain a judgment, then you are thereby ordered by the court to repay the debt. Repayment may be in a lump sum, or through a series of installments that are made until the balance is zero. If you fail to comply with the court order, then you could face garnishments of 25% of your pay.

Assuming that no payments are made on your debts, the statute of limitations on your debt would expire at 6 years and you could reasonably tell any threatening debt collectors to leave you alone. However, if you make a payment or possibly even just acknowledge owing the debt, the statute of limitations may reset. That would allow debt collectors a full 6 years from your last payment to pursue legal action against you. For this reason, lump sum payments for a full payoff or settlement are generally preferred to payment plans. Still, if a payment plan is all you are able to do, it can at least keep the collector pacified so that they do not pursue legal action against you.

As long as you incurred the debt in Connecticut, defaulted in Connecticut and still live in Connecticut, then the statute of limitations is 6 years on all debts, with the exception of oral agreements (3 years). If you were are are currently a resident of a state other than Connecticut, then the court may decide which state’s statute of limitations would be most applicable for your case. This could work for or against you, depending on whether the statute of limitations in your other state(s) of residence are shorter or longer than 6 years.

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