Rhode Island Electric Bill Assistance

Utility companies and nonprofit charities combine to provide Rhode Island electric bill assistance programs. These need-based programs provide much needed assistance to low income households who are having trouble paying the cost of electricity.

The primary source of help is through a federal program known as LIHEAP, which stands for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. The average household that is approved for LIHEAP funds receives approximately $645 in bill credits annually. For a lower income household, that can make a huge difference in getting through the cold winter months.

Applications are accepted through your local community action agency. These agencies are responsible for screening applicants to determine eligibility and for disbursing federal funds to needy applicants.

If you are in danger of having your electricity disconnected, you should apply for help immediately. Emergency services are available year-round. If you routinely need help with winter heating bills, you may receive assistance from November through March.

Narragansett Electric also provides dual programs to help you manage high electric bills. The first program provides a discounted electric bill (approximately $9 a month). To request consideration for a lower rate, call Narragansett’s toll-free service line at 1-800-322-3223.

The second program at Narragansett Electric is a special efficiency program designed to help you replace older energy hogging appliances with more efficient models. You may request a free visit from an energy manager who will be able to calculate how much each one of your appliances costs to operate as well as reveal the estimated savings should you replace an appliance with a more efficient model.

The Salvation Army does collaborate with your utility company to provide the Good Neighbor Energy Fund. This service is designed to be a last resort due to limited funding (maximum grant amount is $300 per household). It can help though, especially if you have maxed out your annual benefits or do not otherwise qualify for the other electric bill assistance programs.

While you might be tempted to take out high-interest short term loans to get by, make sure that you take advantage of the cash grant programs listed above. After all, those funds never have to be repaid!

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