What is the IRS VITA Program?

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, is a special needs operation sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The program aims in helping under privileged families fill out tax return forms.

To qualify for the VITA Program, individuals usually must receive an income of $49,000 or lower. This is to ensure that the participants of the program are justly deserving of the free services they receive. Also, many low income individuals and families have less time to work on tax returns, meaning many times without the VITA Service their tax returns may be incorrect or not filed at all.

Not only does the program assist in filing tax returns, it also educates participants about special tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and Credit for the Elderly. Most locations, usually held at community centers, libraries, or schools, help e-file tax returns. This ensures that they will be filed quicker than if done by paper and mailed through the post office; sometimes twice as fast! Participants can usually expect their refund check within ten days of filing.

VITA volunteers are usually community individuals who have received specialized tax filing instruction before they work with clients. Many of these volunteers are retired financial workers or community members who have an interest in gaining knowledge about tax returns.

Call the IRS at 1-800-906-9887 for your closest VITA location.

The main purpose of the program is to give underprivileged individuals specialized instruction, and also teaches them more about their own financial well being. Volunteers are taught to work with participants, not for them, helping them to understand the policies of the IRS. Also, most VITA offices make participants bring personal identification along with all required forms, making sure they know exactly what forms they are being assisted with.

The IRS VITA Program teaches that it is always better to teach a man to fish than to merely give him a fish for dinner!

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