Indiana Electric Bill Assistance

Indiana residents who struggle with paying their electric bills have help available. Federal and local funding is available through these Indiana electric bill assistance programs.

The Indiana Energy Assistance Program provides bill assistance during the cold winters. This program can provide $100-480 to pay your heating bill. There is also help through this program to pay summer electric bills for cooling. To qualify for this program, your household’s income should be less than 150% of the poverty level. Contact your local Community Action Agency (there is at least one office in every Indiana county) for more information about this program.

Another source of help is the Winter Assistance Fund through the United Way. This program runs from January to May, helping families who can’t afford their electric bills. You can get help through this program by calling 211.

Through your Community Action Agency you can also receive weatherization assistance. You can receive an energy audit. Any problems found will be corrected. These improvements will lower your energy costs, allowing you to save long-term.

Community Action Agencies are the local affiliates of the Community Action Partnership. There is an agency assigned to each metropolitan area. Additionally, some rural agencies serve three or more counties to provide relief from electricity problems. The closest agency may be found by either contacting the Community Action Partnership or simply dialing 211 to reach your local United Way agency.

Your electric company probably also has an assistance program in house. When you can’t pay your bill—or can’t pay it in full—be up front with your electricity provider as they may be able to help you or point you to a program that can.

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