No Hidden Fees… For Real

As has been said a few times, credit lending and checking your credit scores are big deals. Peoples’ ability to take out loans and make purchases can be based entirely on a three digit number. So obviously your credit score is something worth managing and taking care of. However, if you do not care too much about paying for software or services that merely approximate your credit score, you might want to give a look.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, is the only authorized, official website that can give consumers their credit reports. Ever since the passing of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, consumers are entitled to an annual credit report that is completely free and this website is the place to go for it. Every twelve months consumers can request the report – but be sure to go to this website and not to other places that make you pay hidden fees, etc.

In order to request your report, call 1-877-322-8228 or fill out a request form at and send it off to Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. If, when you receive your annual credit report, you see certain discrepancies in your report, such as accounts you don’t recognize, or expenditures that do not match your records, be sure to dispute it! This is what your report should be all about. Make sure that you can get in contact with the appropriate authorities concerning the content of your report. You can learn how to dispute facts in your report at the site again is the only website that can officially give you your annual report free of charge. Do not be fooled by the other websites, all catchy jingles aside, who also advertise that they give you a free credit report. In actuality, consumers have filed reports claiming that these sites force them to pay hidden fees. Annual Credit Report is the only website authorized by the Federal Trade Commission to handle these reports and give them to consumers completely free of charge.

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