Financial Challenges for Military Spouses

Who isn’t stressed out about the economy these days? Everyone wants to be in a good financial standing and make sure they are balancing their budget well. Military families have many of the same financial challenges as any other families, but they also face some unique obstacles. Constant relocations, extended deployments, a military spouse losing their job, and other stresses can quickly lead to financial troubles.

Military spouses with less than adequate financial support are more likely to make credit mistakes, pay higher fees, and cover only minimum monthly balances. It can be all too easy for a military family to slip into uncontrolled debt, especially if it sneaks up on you like most debt does. However, the military has various different financial management programs that can help military families with financial education, personal counseling, and other assistance to avoid future debt problems.

USA Cares is a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to post 9/11 active duty US military service personnel, veterans, and families. They are dedicated to helping restore financial stability and independence by reaching out to families at the earliest stage of intervention to prevent any further strains. They never charge fees or accept repayment, and only rely on donations from private citizens, businesses, and foundations. USA cares may also help by providing financial support for emergencies like vehicle repairs, food, housing, and more for military spouses with deeper financial needs.

Another organization that can be of help is Military Saves. It is a social marketing campaign to motivate and encourage military families to save money every month, and help them to manage debt. Reaching financial stability takes consistent action over time, as well as knowledge. Many of us do better when we have a supportive environment, and are able to get the help that we need. Through debt reduction, saving, and wealth-building over time, Military Saves empowers its clients to achieve financial self-sufficiency.

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) can also help military families through their financial planning website aimed to address the financial challenges of a military lifestyle. If you are having issues with property management, auto dealers, or money scams, the BBB can help alleviate some of these problems by providing support services and education.

These organizations, along with many others, offer financial support during deployment or any time military families are facing financial challenges. Take advantage of these financial support programs. As long as you ask for and receive the help you need, you will not have to worry about slipping into debt.

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