Family Resource Center of Raleigh provides free tax prep and family programs

The Family Resource Center of Raleigh (FRC of Raleigh) has been a major force for strengthening the family unit. Its various programs are designed to keep families together under one roof with the kids in school.

During the winter, FRC of Raleigh provides free volunteer income tax assistance (VITA) as an official Internal Revenue Service VITA partner. I have worked with FRC of Raleigh over many years in a partnership to expand free tax services for low-to-moderate income households throughout the Research Triangle area. Today, FRC of Raleigh continues that effort, making free tax prep a reality throughout Raleigh and Wake County.

Triangle residents who want to take advantage of the free income tax preparation and efiling may visit their closest location. Details on each site are available at

FRC of Raleigh is a key partner in the Wake Tax Coalition. Their sites generally have an income limit. It is $51,000 per household in 2013 (Tax Year 2012). Other coalition sites do not have an income limit, thanks to a partnership with AARP who also provide free tax preparation through the IRS Tax Counseling for the Elderly program.

In addition to free tax prep, FRC of Raleigh provides several family programs that aim to keep today’s youth from repeating many of the mistakes of their parents. In doing so, the organization works with parents to help build new habits.

Programs for children are aimed at preventing teenage pregnancy and reducing high school drop outs. In doing so, FRC of Raleigh combines case management with on-site resources for youth to stay in school and make responsible social choices.

While enjoying wide public support from the Internal Revenue Service, the City of Raleigh, State of North Carolina, Wake County Human Services, United Way of the Greater Triangle and other entities, the organization may still benefit from direct contributions. Those who can give time or money are encouraged to ask how they may give.

If you life in or near Raleigh and believe that your family could benefit from one or more of the programs offered by the Family Resource Center, please contact the organization directly at 919-834-9300. You may also visit them online at

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