
Arizona Payday Loans: The Vicious Cycle Has Ended

Back in 2010, Arizona decided to do away with payday loans. They were the 17th state to do so at the time. Payday lenders tend to charge fees rather than interest and these fees add up very quickly. Often this leads to a cycle of constant borrowing simply to repay the loans from the previous payday lender. A better alternative is to develop, and stick to, a budget combined with some lifestyle changes to help reduce and eliminate debt. Continue reading

5 Easy Debt Reduction Solutions

The world of personal finance can seem extremely complex and far to foreign to many people. However, it is important to remember that you are basically dealing with questions of how to live your life and spend your money. Keeping this in mind, there are many solutions to debt reduction which can have a lasting impact without being directly related to the world of finance. Continue reading

Military Debt Consolidation Services

Very simply, military debt consolidation is just like any other debt consolidation service except with marketing which focuses on members of the military. The basic idea behind these service is to combine unsecured loans such as credit cards, medical bills, and student loans into secured debt by taping into the equity in your home or vehicle. Ideally, this will lower your interest rate and allow you to pay off your loans faster. However, there are still some drawbacks which may not make this your best option for settling your debt. Continue reading

Avoiding Bogus Debt Negotiation Services

When shopping for a debt negotiation service it is best to begin by soliciting the help of a reputable credit counseling organization. Many of these organizations will offer a free consultation that can help you learn how to negotiate your debt with your creditors. Continue reading

Avoiding foreign transaction fees on credit cards

Depending on the length of your stay in a foreign country there are a variety of ways to avoid foreign transaction fees on credit cards. For short trips, you may want to convert your spending money before leaving. Long stays may require you to open a temporary bank account and use wire transfers to move your money. Expatriation, however, will require you to transfer all your funds, close your accounts, and open new accounts in a foreign country. Each option comes with its own set of benefits and risks. Continue reading

Avoiding annual fees on credit cards

There are many way of avoiding annual fees on credit cards. Two of the easiest are to simply use the credit card or negotiate the annual fee. However, many people opt to close the account without first considering how it would effect their credit score. Although the annual fee does add to the cost of having your credit card, it may also reduce your interest rates on other loans by increasing your credit score. This is why you should carefully consider your options before contacting your credit card company. Continue reading

Best Debt Consolidation Program: Do-It-Yourself

When dealing with your own personal finances, the best debt consolidation program is always the do-it-yourself method. This does not mean that you cannot seek help from knowledgeable people in your community. The do-it-yourself method simply requires that you stay an active participant in the process of consolidating your debt. By remaining active in the debt consolidation program you will learn more about your own personal finances and ways to avoid the problems that lead you to search for the best debt consolidation programs. Continue reading

CARD Act Rate Hike Notice

CARD Act Provisions

The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibly and Disclosure Act (CARD Act) has many provisions that are designed to protect consumers using credit cards.

There are four provisions in which a credit card issuer may still raise your interest rates: Continue reading