Alaska Electric Bill Assistance

As an Alaska resident, you may struggle with paying your large electric bills, particularly if you live in rural areas where prices may be higher. The long winter requires the use of more energy to heat your home, adding to the burden. Various Alaska electric bill assistance programs can help you stay warm even as rates creep ever higher.

One program that may be available to you if you have a household income of less than 150% of the federal poverty level is LIHEAP. LIHEAP, or Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, is a federal program that provides help on utility bills especially for those with members considered vulnerable: the young, the elderly, and people with disabilities.

Another program put in place to cover Alaskans who do not fall within the scope of the LIHEAP program is the Alaska Heating Assistance Program. This program is for those who make up to 225% of the federal poverty level. To apply for this program, fill out an application that you can pick up at your local Department of Public Assistance office.

Because power costs are so much more in rural areas, the Alaska Energy Authority has started the Power Cost Equalization Program. This program will pay some of the energy costs of rural families to make their bills more in line with power bills of those who live in urban areas.

The General Relief Assistance program may also be of benefit to you if you struggle with your utilities bill. This program can also meet other needs if you have them. The application for General Relief Assistance can be found online.

These resources are available to struggling Alaskans and can hopefully benefit you. Keep your lights on by taking advantage of any electric bill assistance programs for which you qualify. In addition to electricity bill credits, there may be additional fuel aid available for those using other sources of home heating.

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