
Alexander Carl

A recent college grad enters the big ol’ world, bringing his creative sensibilities with him. He strives to live simply and hold onto his money. Writes fiction, non-fiction, and has directed short films. Chill dude.

Andrea Saca

Andrea Saca is a college student in North Carolina. She attends Durham Technical Community College and will be transferring to a four year university to pursue her degree in sociology.Her first hand view of people taking out loans and trying to pay through their college education has sparked her interest into learning more about finance and how to manage it.

Archana Sabesan

Archana Sabesan is a junior at North Carolina State University. She is currently pursuing a major in Psychology, with a primary focus in Child Psychology, and a minor in Spanish. After graduating, she plans to attend graduate school to obtain her PsyD degree in Clinical Psychology.

Arthur McCall

My name is Arthur McCall and I am from Charlotte, NC. I am currently study Economics in my senior year at UNC-Chapel Hill and managing the finances for my fraternity, Kappa Sigma.

Ashley Russell

Ashley Russell is a junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is double majoring in Journalism and English with a minor in Information Systems. After she graduates in the spring of 2013, she hopes to continue to work for the UNC system. Her ultimate goal is to become a book editor.

Bradley Songer

Bradley Songer: The Life of a UNC-CH Diehard Carolina Fan.

Cathy Jones

Cathy Jones a highly adventurous and versatile middle age woman with the giddiness and sense of fun and love of life of a 15 year old! Married to her high school sweetheart, she now lives in central North Carolina, with her husband, he being a professor of Biology at a large university. Cathy loves to write about anything and especially talk about all of her adventures around the world.

Charles Park

My name is Charles Park and am currently studying chemistry. I plan on pursuing medicine in the future. I am interested in the current debate in healthcare reform and its financial impact on everyday Americans.

Chris Buchheit

Chris moved to North Carolina in 1999 and began attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2006. He has been working on a double major in Asian Studies, with a concentration in Chinese, and Political Science. Chris plans to apply to Georgetown to further his studies in Political Science.

David Pilley

David Pilley is a May 2010 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a B.A. in communication studies and a creative writing minor. He plans to go to graduate school in the near future to pursue journalism. He is one of eight kids.

Donna Allison

Donna Allison is an educator and writer with many years of experience. She has had her own tutoring business for the past four years, and has utilized financial planning to manage her business, and to plan her own retirement. Donna earned her bachelor’s degree at the University of Massachusetts at Boston with a major in psychology, and a minor in education. She holds a master’s degree in special needs from Lesley College in Cambridge, Mass. She subsequently earned her certification as an environmental educator in North Carolina.

Equan Tompkins

Equan Tompkins a Junior at NC State and is currently pursuing a major in Business Administration. Upon graduating in 2013 Equan has plans of attending a technical school to receive a mechanics degree. Equan has always found economic issues and principles interesting since he was young, and has plans to start his own automotive business in the near future.

Erik Hammel

Erik Hammel is a sophomore at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is currently studying economics and aims to major in finance as well.Following in his family’s footsteps, Erik would one day like to counsel others on how and where to invest their money based on market conditions.

Frank Jones

Frank Jones has been an entrepreneur, writer, and student in the fields of restaurant management, information technology, philosophy, and political science since 1995. Having completed his B.S. in political science and philosophy at UNC-Asheville, he is continuing his study of transatlantic political science at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Graham Billings

Graham Billings is a senior at the University of Chapel Hill at North Carolina. He is studying Economics and Political Science and planning to attend law school after graduation. He is a member of the Economics Club and tutors students in economics, using his interest in the subject to help others without a background in it so they can be self-sufficient.

Jeff Miles

Jeff Miles is a sophomore at UNC studying journalism & mass communication and political science. He first became interested in perusing a career in writing after he took courses on English rhetoric and composition and saw how writing can really do everything from causing someone to get lost in the world of good book to convincing someone to save the environment. He hopes to be a published author some day.

Jena Collier

Jena Collier is a junior Business Administration major at UNC Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School with a concentration in sustainability consulting. She hopes to balance her love for the natural world with her belief in the power of business by helping corporations build tangible and measurable sustainability practices that will mitigate business’ traditionally harmful impact on the environment.

Jessica Malitoris

Jessica Malitoris was born in London, England in 1990 and has lived in Massachusetts, Virginia, and North Carolina. She has published an article on the Gothic architectural style in France and is hoping to publish an article on the social and economic roles of women in Mali. She is an intended History major at UNC Chapel Hill and hopes to become a professor.

Jonathan Boral

Jonathan Boral is a junior at the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School, majoring in both Business Administration and Dramatic Art. An avid fan of film, television, and the entertainment industry, he hopes to use his articles as a means of expanding his knowledge about business and finance.

Kari Johnson

Kari Johnson is a first-year student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, having lived in North Carolina her whole life.  At UNC, she is a declared Religious Studies major, and intends to study some form of writing as well during her time and Chapel Hill. She plans to graduate in 2014, after participating in undergraduate research and a study abroad program.

Kenneth Long

Kenneth Long is President of Fiscal Progress, Inc. as well as President and Vice Chairman for Vision Credit Education, Inc. He serves as a regional coordinator for the North Carolina Saves campaign. Long is also a co-founder of the Wake EITC Coalition.

Lacy Gallagher

Lacy Gallagher graduated May 2011 from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a focus on advertising and a second major in Political Science. She has also been an avid volunteer, committing hundreds of hours to different causes, so naturally writing for was a perfect fit.

Lissette Saca

Lissette Saca is a junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is double majoring in Economics and Management & Society with a minor in Spanish for the Professions. The combination of these concentrations has allowed her to develop strong research, analytical and observational skills. Lissette is an active member of UNC’s Fed Challenge team where she researches national economic activity and monetary policy.

Lissette serves as our current Solvency Shark. Follow her as she takes on the economic and financial topics that affect you and your financial future.

Maryam Farooq

Maryam Farooq is a senior undergrad at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is one class away from attaining her degree in Economics and will graduate this May. Prior to her time at UNC, she attended SUNY Rockland, a small college in New York where she is from. She participated in the Sam Draper Honors Program in which she was admitted early as a high school senior. In 2007, she studied Shakespeare abroad at the University of Cambridge.

Pranjali Shah

Pranjali works for the University Archives at North Carolina State University. She volunteers at Occupational Therapist offices in Charlotte and Raleigh. Pranjali is in the University Scholar’s Program and a member of Psi Chi Honor Fraternity. She is a co-captain of an Indian folk-dance team at NC State.

Ryan Levin

Ryan Levin is a senior undergraduate at UNC-Chapel Hill, and he will graduate May 2012 with a degree in Political Science and minors in Music and Spanish. Afterwards, he plans to go to medical school. Ryan hopes to use his experience as a writer here to improve his efficiency, focus, and personal finance skills so that he can someday afford to travel to exotic locations around the Earth. His passion, though, is making music: he sings and plays piano, guitar, and percussion, as well as dabbling in assorted other musical instruments. He has played in the university’s jazz combos for two years and now plays with the school’s salsa ensemble, Charanga.

Siddarth Nagaraj

Siddarth Nagaraj is a junior at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He is currently pursuing a double major in Global Studies and Political Science with a minor in Geography.  Originally from Winston-Salem, North Carolina, he is interested in socioeconomic inequity and cultural diversity in developing nations.

Stephen Padgett

Financially Stephen grew up in a family that preached saving and living below your means. That, in part, translated to his interest in Economics, especially how economics can affect individuals’ financial lives.

Stewart Pelto

Stewart Pelto holds a Master’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill and has experience teaching at the university level. He has served in positions of financial responsibility in various organizations on campus. He has studied and lived in Europe and brings his rigorous academic education and international experience to the problem of increasing financial awareness.

Sybria White

Sybria White is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and will graduate in May 2010 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. She is interested in writing, public service, reading books about fashion, and spending time with her family.

Talha Alvie

Talha Alvie is a junior at the University of North Carolina’s Kenan-Flagler Business School. He is majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in finance. He is a Joe Martin Academic Scholar and recipient of the Dean’s List award for four semesters.

Tanner Strutzenberg

Tanner Strutzenberg is a recent graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill providing insight to the economic events that impact your bottom line. He is also able and willing to fix your plumbing, remodel your kitchen, or play the banjo for your idle leisure.

Wendy Clay

Wendy Clay is a Virginia Community College System graduate and a current undergraduate at the University of North Carolina. She is pursuing a degree in public health with a minor in exercise and sports science and plans to attend medical school upon the completion of her degree. She has diligently served those around her for many years as a tutor for rural school children and as an advocate in the fight against hunger in her community and around the world.

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