Tennessee electric bill assistance reduces bills and delinquent balances

Tennessee has the dubious honor of having more than it’s fair share of hot summers and cold winters. As a result, you pay a higher percentage of your income towards your electric bill than most other Americans. When a high bill hits you unexpectedly, you can still get help from Tennessee electric bill assistance programs.

Federal funding comes from the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP funding is delivered to local agencies who are responsible for screening applicants based on need and qualifications. They provide electric bill assistance to individuals and families who are in imminent danger of having their electricity disconnected due to nonpayment.

Two larger agencies are the Metropolitan Action Commission in Nashville (serving Davidson County) and the Shelby County Community Services Agency in Memphis. Davidson County residents can get electric bill assistance plus additional heating source help, such as gas, propane or even wood. Senior citizens or parents with young children may also be eligible for free fans or air conditioning units through the Summer Cooling Program.

Memphis residents can participate in the On Track program to restore their account to current status. To qualify, residents must be facing an electric bill greater than $600.

Weatherization programs are also available to Memphis and Shelby County residents. Restrictions apply, but you could get help with making your home more energy efficient, thereby reducing your future electricity bills. The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) is an additional program funded by donations which helps to pay delinquent electric bills for eligible households.

If you are struggling to repay a high power bill, consider getting help from one of the Tennessee electric bill assistance providers. Why wait until your power is disconnected?

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