Review of Briesch Debt Settlement Study

Dr. Richard A. Briesch, PhD authored a study into debt relief programs titled Economic Factors and the Debt Management Industry on August 6, 2009. His conclusion was only a vague assertion that debt settlement provided greater consumer welfare than debt management plans. However many of his findings contradict those of regulators and consumer protection advocates. This review of his white paper shows the source of this misinformation, an incomplete set of client data. The result is a cleverly crafted white paper that appears to provide academic support for debt settlement companies and the plans they administer.

Debt settlement companies have been very quick to refer prospective clients to this study, since it appears to provide academic support for their activities. See how the following review of Briesch’s study yielded a much bleaker picture about the state of debt settlement companies.

Download the Review of Briesch Debt Settlement Study: Economic Factors and the Debt Management Industry.

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