Number of Accounts with Delinquency

One of the greatest factors for demonstrating that you are a high credit risk is to be delinquent on several credit accounts. If your credit report reveals this code as a contributing factor for denial, then you should focus on catching up on late payments rather than opening new accounts.

“Number of Accounts with Delinquency” Credit Score Risk Factor Codes
Equifax 18
Experian 18
TransUnion 18
NextGen M1

You might have good intentions, such as paying off your delinquent accounts with a single consolidation loan. However, no reputable lender will approve such a credit application when you are already in a world of trouble.

Your payment history carries a weight of 35% of credit scoring formulas. The number of accounts that you are late on is a major factor within this category.

To improve your credit score right away, you need to restore as many accounts as possible to current status. This can be done by paying the full minimum payment due on each account. If you cannot afford to do this, you should seriously consider going through credit counseling. Many of your creditors may consider re-aging your account, which could restore them to current status without having to catch up on payments.

Restoring current payment status to your accounts will help you regain many of the points lost when you fell delinquent. Understand though that your credit scores will continue to suffer due to the late payments that will remain a part of your credit history for 7 years. This effect is amplified during the first 6-12 months after a late payment.

When you fall behind, it is important to limit the damage by bringing the accounts current again as quickly as possible. More serious delinquencies are penalized by another risk code that measures the level of delinquency on accounts.

Falling behind on payments has serious consequences. Not only do you get hit with lower credit scores and higher borrowing costs, you also risk eventual legal action if the delinquencies are not corrected.

Missing a single payment on an account will cause the account to be labeled as “potentially negative” on your credit reports. If you bring that account current, it will take 7 years of error free usage before the account would return to positive status.

For this reason, it is generally recommended to immediately contact your lender if you ever miss a payment. There is a good chance that they may forgive the late payment, thereby saving you the late fee. More importantly, it would help you avoid the fallout caused by a late payment posting to your credit record.

For more serious delinquencies, you might need to talk with a reputable credit counselor about curing your delinquencies through a debt management program. If you cannot get caught up on your own, you need to ask for help.

Number of accounts with delinquency is credit bureau risk score reason 18. It is NextGen score code M1. For more information on credit scoring, see the complete list of credit score factors.

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