Kansas Electric Bill Assistance

Do you live in Kansas and are having a hard time paying your electric bill? There is help available to you.

One program available to Kansans is the Kansas Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP). This is a program administered through the state Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services. There are local Social and Rehabilitation Services offices throughout the state. You can also apply for electric bill assistance through their website.

This program is available to adults responsible for paying the heating bill in households with combined income of less than 130% of poverty level.

If you are a Westar Energy customer, you may also seek assistance with paying your bill through Project Deserve. This program is administered through your local Red Cross office, and helps those who are over the age of 60, are severely disabled, or have income at no more than 110% of the federal poverty level.

Atmos Energy, Kansas City Power & Light, and Pioneer Electric customers should contact their energy supplier about their energy assistance programs.

Other programs that have some energy bill assistance help include the Emergency Energy Fund and the HeatShare program. Contact the Salvation Army for these programs.

If you are having trouble paying your electric bills, hopefully you can seek help from one or more of these programs available to Kansans. Another related program you may want to look into is the Kansas Multi- Family Weatherization Assistance Program (KWAP) as it is another source of help if you’re struggling with your bills. While it does not directly pay your bills, this program can provide home repairs that will make your home more energy efficient, providing a permanent solution to lowering your bills.

Power disconnection can be inconvenient and expensive. Get help from one of these Kansas electric bill assistance providers today.

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