How to Get Help with Rent in Alabama

Paying rent and is one of the main problems Americans are facing nowadays. Unfortunately, tenants often struggle with not going into debt. Because most jobs out there are now requiring a higher degree of education, many people are going back to school and obtaining that degree to land a better job.

By attending a community college, I have been able to see this first hand. I see people in their forties and fifties going back to school to get a better job. I also often hear stories about how they lost their job and since they have families to provide for they have to make sacrifices and go back to school so they can hopefully have a better salary.

Going back to school is one thing. But being able to afford it is another. On average, a community college’s full time schedule costs about $1,500. This does not even cover the costs of books. For those who unfortunately cannot afford to back to school, the only option that is left for them is to take on two or three jobs at a time in order to make ends meet and pay their bills.

Alabama offers many resources to help people out with rent. However, the main location to get the most assistance with is its capital city, Montgomery. If you live in Montgomery and are looking to touch base with someone who can help you with your finances call Montgomery County Department of Human Resources – Montgomery at 334-293-3100. The County Department of Human Resources does not just offer services such as help with rent, but also help with utilities and money management.

Alabama’s second largest city, Birmingham, also offers financial aid. If you reside in Birmingham and are looking for a resource there, you can call Community Development Department at 205-254-2483. Don’t wait! Alabama has many different services offered to those in financial need. Get your finances in order and enjoy beautiful Alabama and all that it has to offer!

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