How to Get Help with Internet Bills

Are you having trouble keeping your Internet access? When money is tight, it is tempting to cut all non-essential expenses. However, if you are looking for a job, then Internet access could be essential. There are ways you can get help with Internet bills to maintain service while cutting the cost.

One of the best ways to enjoy cheap Internet is to see if you qualify for Comcast Internet Essentials. It is available in 39 states where Comcast is a service provider. The price is only $9.95 per month and includes zero activation fees or rental fees for equipment.

Comcast Internet Essentials will be available at least through Summer 2014. There will be no fee increases during this time either.

In order to qualify, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be in Comcast’s service area (currently in 39 states).
  • At least one child in your household must be eligible for free lunch through National School Lunch Program.
  • You cannot have an outstanding bill or unreturned equipment owed to Comcast.
  • New customers who signed up with Comcast in previous 90 days are excluded.

Again, there are no additional fees. You simply pay $9.95 a month plus applicable taxes in order to get broadband Internet connection for your home. A computer is available for just $149.95 plus tax, making this a great deal for any lower income family. To apply, contact Comcast Internet Essentials at 855-846-8376.

Some residents are getting an even better deal, with free Internet access for at least 2 years. The WeAreNowConnected initiative is providing free Internet access to families currently living in affordable-housing projects.

Qualified households may receive free Internet access for the first two years. The rate is just $10 for years 3-5. More information may be available through your local Beehive portal.

Philadelphia residents may sign up for one of the 5,000 free Internet access accounts available through Philadelphia Freedom Rings. A $11.8 million grant is funding the project.

Similar programs exist in local communities across the country. Your household could get fast broadband Internet access for cheaper than most dial-up providers. It really pays to see what’s available!

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