Georgia Electric Bill Assistance

Georgia residents are blessed with many sources of help for unwieldy electric bills. Here are a few of those Georgia electric bill assistance programs that can provide additional options when cash is tight.

Georgia’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) has three components to help low-income Georgians with their energy bills. The Energy Crisis Program is for those homes with elderly and homebound members who face having their heat cut from November on. The general public can also benefit from this program from December on. If your heat has been shut off or will be soon, seek this crisis help.

Another segment of EAP is the Regular Home Energy Assistance. This program may be able to issue a check of $310-350 to your energy provider on your behalf. To be eligible, your household income must be at or below 200% of the poverty level. This program also starts in November for the elderly and homebound and December for everyone else.

The final component of Georgia’s EAP is the weatherization program. Weatherization can allow your home to be made more energy efficient, saving you very real dollars on your electric bills each month. This part of the program is administered through your local Community Action Association.

There are also private sources of energy assistance. One such program is the Salvation Army’s Project SHARE. This program can provide up to $300 of assistance toward your electric or natural gas bills.

These sources of help are there for you when you are struggling with your heating and cooling costs.

Local providers of electric bill assistance:

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