Credit Mix is a Ten Percent Factor in Credit Scoring

One of the least understood components of credit scoring is the 10% of the formula that is dedicated to credit mix. Fair Isaac rewards consumers who maintain an ideal mix of credit accounts.

That statement also begs the question, “what is the ideal mix of credit?” The answer is unclear, since this may be one of the closest guarded secrets of the FICO credit scoring models.

There are some essential credit records if you want to maximize your points in this category.

First, at least one installment loan account is needed to break into higher score territory. Installment loans can be an unsecured personal loan. Secured loans, such as automobile loans can add valuable points to a credit score. A mortgage loan will give you the most benefit, since it is the largest expense most consumers will ever have.

Revolving lines of credit also provide a broad perspective to credit scoring. Store cards provide minor benefit. Major credit cards provide the biggest boost to credit mix, since they are one of the more difficult types of credit to maintain in good standing.

There are some types of credit that do not contribute points to credit mix. Having too many finance company accounts will actually deduct points, even with perfect payment histories on them. Payday loans never even show up unless you fail to repay them according to contract. Similarly, cellular phone and utilities contracts can hurt you but will never help you.

Although no specific information has been released by Fair Isaac, it is safe to assume that having at least one or two installment loans and one or two major credit cards in your credit history will provide enough information to warrant a higher number of points. You can lose points by having too few revolving accounts or too many. Most importantly, don’t open accounts just because you are trying to build a mix of accounts. Other credit scoring components contribute much more to the credit scoring formula, so your plan could actually backfire!

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